Super Short Summary of this newsletter:
1 Betting System results -14% decrease on the bank in the last month
2 Detailed results and screenshots
3 Next Research Project – What settings are best for the Overround and Back/lay odds ratio?
If you want more details on the current systems, want the bot sets or want to start, then please look at my “start now” page
Snapshot of all Public Betaminic Strategies
Easily filter and sort through the public strategies with this Excel file
Bf Bot Manager Bot Set
If you want my bots set, please download it from my Start Now page.
Latest Updates
You can get the latest information, as questions and interact with other uses in this Reddit community.
Reddit Betaminic Community:
I also have a YouTube channel
Best Regards,
1 Betting System results -14% decrease on the bank in the last month
I changed/fiddled/edited my system 5 times over the last month, so the results are a bit mixed up.
Overall, a -14% decrease on a 2k bank from Dec 18th 2024 to Jan 19th 2025. (-284 gross loss on 2k bank)

-14% decrease on the bank in the last month excluding costs.
-£466 decrease on a £2,000 starting bank including £176 costs from November 18th to December 18th. (-£284 gross loss)
System performance
This month I fiddled with my systems and bots a lot.
I made the first changes because of the new Betaminic subscription system. Since it now just 99.90 EUR for full access and effectively infinite picks, I could expand the number of strategies in my set. I first made a snapshot of current public strategies and then filtered them down to the ones I liked best. I then added in a few of my long time favourites that didn’t manage to fit the filters.
Shortly after I had made that new set, Betaminic came out with their Best Betting Strategies for 2025 article. I then added some of the strategies from that list to my set, leading to a massive set of 36 strategies.
After that, the changes were mainly error fixes and dropping one of the two lay strategies.
This current set of 35 Betaminic strategies (34 back and 1 lay) plus my 3 BSG draw strategies is the set I want to stick with for this year.
Even with the ups and downs of the month, it ended with a -14% decrease on the bank.
How did each system from the old set do from December 18th 2024 to January 19th 2025 on Whitaker NLC Staking?

The above results are from the Whitaker NLC staking set.

So while my actual results were -14% loss on the bank with all the bot changes I did, my old system made -20% on NLC staking.
BSG Draws was the best performer, and inside that the HT A1.07 bot was the only one that made profit.
The 2025 Plan A and Plan B.
In my mind, I am aiming to let it run for the next 12-months until the combined Group 3 bots hit +500% (10k) or -100% (-2k) excluding costs. Currently it is on +163 since Jan 12th, so it has the rest of 2025 to go. If it hits a lucky run of positive variance and hits its 10k target early, then I will stop, withdraw the costs for this 12-month 2025 Plan A and the costs for another 12 month plan (2025 Plan B), and then review and restart the betting plan. If it hits -2k at any point, then I will review and start a new betting plan (Also, 2025 Plan B). This is the plan. I will not be checking results every day thinking that I need to monitor that the strategies are working correctly. I will review results once a month to just see how they are progressing. I have my betting plan, and I hope to stick to it, and then get on with doing other things with my time. (But you may be noticing that I cannot resist fiddling with the bots…)

If you are not following Betaminic strategies already, then I really recommend getting into them.
The absolute best thing is for you to learn how to use the Betaminic database and/or Bf Bot Manager yourself and make your own betting decisions with your eyes wide open to the risks and profit targets.
But at the beginning, it can help just to follow an existing system and then make your own decisions once you get used to how it all works.
If you want to follow the systems I do, then:
#1 Follow the BSG Draw System. It is free for the first month.
#2 Follow the 34 Betaminic back strategies I do.
#3 Follow the Betaminic lay strategy BSG16 lay strategy if you have access to a betting exchange.
#2 & #3 can be run easily with manual betting since the betting picks get sent out with plenty of time before KO, often 36-48 hours before KO.
If you have Betfair, then you can automate #1, #2 & #3 on Betfair. Otherwise, you can bet manually #2 on any sportsbook.
2 Detailed Results

Get the current up-to-date V6 bot set here:
The current bot sets are dated 18th Jan.
If you are following Betaminic and BSG draw strategies but your bot set is dated earlier than this, then please update it.

Single System Screenshots of Tracker Sets
BSG Draw System

The long term test results are strong and whitaker staking is making the best use of them.
Low Drawdown Set of 9 |

These £100 Level Stakes bots bet with a 50 unit bank (5k bank) from Oct 1st, Nov 1st, Dec 2nd, Jan 3rd respectively.
You can see the unit profits and loss.
+0.2 units in the last month
The “LowDrawdown set of 9” V3 that this set gets trigger picks from is currently just these 7 strategies.
- 2023 Colossus 01 Home Dog V2 All Leagues
- e2
- Losers find win
- OVER 2.
- Sayar’s Under 2.5 (A1)

These Whitaker LC Staking bots bet with a 5k bank from Oct 1st, Nov 1st, Dec 2nd, Jan 3rd respectively.
You can see the profit and losses.
-8.75% decrease in the bank last month

These £100 Level Stakes bots bet with a 50 unit bank (5k bank) from Jan 18th 2024 on the first and then the second version of the LowDrawdown 9.
V1 from 2024-01-18
V2 from 2024-11-18
+£1,340 / +13.4 unts in the last month.
You can see the results of each strategy from the set and also the now removed Away weak favourite strategy at the bottom. It was removed on Nov 18th and replaced with Big vs Good – Top leagues
Contend UD

These £100 Level Stakes bots bet with a 80 unit bank (8k bank) from Oct 1st, Nov 1st, Dec 2nd, Jan 3rd respectively.
You can see the profit and losses.
-10 units in the last month.

These Whitaker LC Staking bots bet with a 8k bank from Oct 1st, Nov 1st, Dec 2nd, Jan 3rd respectively.
You can see the profit and losses.
-12.37% decrease on the bank last month

This £100 Level Stakes bot bets with a 80 unit bank (8k bank) from Jan 18th 2024.
It has made +27 units profit so far. Very nice but I would not like to rely on just one strategy. It is better to follow multiple systems to spread risk.
-10 units in the last month.
BSG16 lay strategy

The original bots I was following the lay system with have hit 577 bets. The Whitaker NLC bot lost -£200 last month. The Whitaker LC bot lost -23% last month |

BSG17 has not done enough to stay in the recommended set, so it has gone back to being a test bot.
User’s Mixed Set Trackers
When possible, I try to track the results of some of my followers in their first weeks to see if we get similar results.

This user’s set started on Nov 7th with a £400 bank using all 4 systems with Whitaker LC staking.
+25% at the moment overall.
-33% last month.
-£253 last month from its previous £769 balance.

This user’s set started on Nov 17th with a £1,000 bank using 2 of the systems with Whitaker LC staking.
-6.7% so far.
-£176 last month

This user’s set started on Oct 17th with a £2,000 bank using all 4 of the systems but using level stakes with each bot getting a ELSx4-1000 level stakes bank, except for the lay bot which uses Whitaker NLC staking.
+£2,971 so far.
-£247 last month

This user’s set started on Oct 27th with a £1,000 bank using some of the systems with Whitaker NLC staking. The Betaminic strategies included are these 7: 1. BANKER?? 2. Colossus 01 Home Dog 3. e2 4. OVER 2. 5. Sayar’s Under 2.5 (A1) 6. UNDER MİN 2 YENİ STRATEJİ 7. Contend UD -£194 so far. -£451 last month |
I wanted to share these bot sets to show that you do not have to do exactly the same thing as me. You can just choose the systems that you like the look of and also the staking plans that make sense to you. Each of the users above have made their own decisions on how to use the data available. I helped them set it up on the BFBM and then track it to compare notes if I am following similar strategies. I bought a new simulation desktop PC with 8 GB of RAM instead of 4 GB and also an i5 core instead of an i3 core and I have noticed a big improvement in my BFBM’s ability to handle 200 bots run in simulation mode which has enabled me to track more users’ sets until we are happy they are working fine. If you also want help setting up bots on your BFBM, please let me know at .
3 Next Research Project – What settings are best for the Overround and Back/lay odds ratio?
The remaining question mark on the bot set is what the best market and selection condition settings are best to use, and that is where my next research efforts are going. Namely, what Overround and what Back/lay odds ratio.
To that end I have setup a massive set of back and lay bots that back/lay EVERY away team in every market available on Betfair.
One group of bots has slightly different back/lay ratios.
Another group has slightly different overrounds.
Another group has slightly different settings for Whitaker staking.

These bots have only been running for 2 days so there is still very little data, and I am waiting to get over 1000 bets before drawing any conclusions. But in the early days it is interesting to note that just backing all or laying all the away teams with no overround or back/lay ratios BOTH lead to losses.
The only bot that has managed to make profit on both back/lay sides is the 63.08 bot with loose overrounds of 115%/85% and quite tight back/lay ratios of 2.5%. This led to only 138 of possible 378 matches being bet on. But 138 bets is too few to be conclusive, but it is interesting to see this.

A surprising early trend is that very tight back conditions of 103% overround and 1-tick back/lay ratio got the best results on the back side, but the very loose lay condition of 85% overround and 5-ticks got the best results on the lay side. It would have thought that strict rules on both sides would end up being best. We will have to wait for the 1000 bet mark.

On the staking side, it was interesting to see that for back bets Whitaker NLC managed to stay in profit with 1-tick back/lay odds ratio. On the lay side, the 1 GBP liability bot lost the least even with a 4-tick back/lay odds ratio.

I will continue to run these over the next month and see what settings seem to lose the least, as I expect them all to eventually go red since we are betting on every away team.
So my current setup is now 34 Betaminic back strategies, 1 Betaminic lay strategy, 3 BSG draw strategies with a 2k bank.
My 2k bank is split with 1k using Whitaker NLC staking (smart level stakes) and the other 1k using Whitaker LC% (smart percentage staking).
I edited the main betting bots to be stricter with their market and selection conditions. The back bet bots now need a 4-tick gap or less, and the lay bots need a 2-tick gap or less between the back/lay prices before it will allow betting. This may result in some picks being skipped due to immature markets, but with the new subscription system, I feel we can be a little more relaxed about betting on every pick, and focus more on getting better prices and better ROI from those prices.
If you want more details on the current systems, want the bot sets or want to start, then please look at my “start now” page
Best regards,
Useful Links:
1 My Betting Advice Site:
2 Betaminic big data betting strategies: (Can be automated)
3 Reddit Betaminic Community:
4 My YouTube channel
Pro Betting Tools
1 Bf Bot Manager automated betting software for Betfair
2 IPT In Play Trading Data add-on for Bf Bot Manager – Get all the livescores for all the Betfair in-play football games.
3 The Staking Machine staking analysis software
4 VPN services: TunnelBear offer a free VPN with no time limit (2GB per month limit). Paid VPNs are available with more bandwidth. Useful for accessing BetInAsia or AsianConnect.
5 VPS: I use SimplyHosting for my VPS that hosts my Bf Bot Manager software.
6 TippingSports for 3rd party verified tipsters that can be easily automated with a Betfair account.
Affiliate Link Disclaimer: I may receive commission for purchases made via my affiliate links. I have used all these services myself and I do not recommend anything that I have not used myself. I can offer support and answer your questions about these services because of this experience. If you do decide to use any of these services, then clicking through my links is an easy way to say thanks for me introducing you to it.