Betting Systems

I recommend these 3 betting systems. Click on one to read more about it.

I recommend 9 strategies from Betaminic used in this system here::
+10 units per month average profit
Low Drawdown System
50 unit bank
-33 unit maximum drawdown over 12 years since 2012
Cost: From £58 per month 
(You can bet manually on these pre-match bets,. But you can also automate them with the Bf Bot Manager)
4 strategies from Betaminic used in this system here::
+6.67 units per month average profit
Low Drawdown System
50 unit bank
-25 unit maximum drawdown over 12 years since 2012
Cost: From £35 per month 
(You can bet manually on these pre-match bets,. But you can also automate them with the Bf Bot Manager)
+16 points per month average profit with my BFBM bot set 
100 point bank
0.11 point stakes
-27.72 AMD (Actual Maximum Drawdown)
-96.8 EPMD (Estimated Potential Maximum Drawdown)
+141 units per month average profit with my BFBM bot set 
880 unit bank
1 unit stakes
-252 AMD (Actual Maximum Drawdown)
-880 EPMD (Estimated Potential Maximum Drawdown)
Follow in 2 ways:
1 Subscription
Costs: 100 GBP per month bsgDrawSystem subscription (First month free)
(Also needs a 10 GBP per month Bf Bot Manager Subscription and Betfair account)
2 No Subscription
Free if you bet using the ApostasBF betting exchange.
(You must sign up via my referral link or you will still need a BSG Draw subscription.) 
+8.2 points per month average profit with my BFBM bot set  
100 point bank
0.17 point stakes
-36 AMD (Actual Maximum Drawdown)
-99 EPDM (Estimated Potential Maximum Drawdown)
+59 units per month average profit with my BFBM bot set  
590 unit bank
1 unit stakes
-210 AMD (Actual Maximum Drawdown)
-590 EPDM (Estimated Potential Maximum Drawdown)
Follow in 2 ways:
1 Subscription
Costs: 140 EUR (120 GBP) per month BetaminicDraw Subscription (Cheaper and simpler than following directly through Betaminic)
(Also needs a 10 GBP per month Bf Bot Manager Subscription)
2 Pay-per-pick
Costs: Depends on how many draw strategies you follow and which pick package you buy.
(Also needs a 10 GBP per month Bf Bot Manager Subscription)