

This video explains how to setup the low drawdown football system that managed to double its bank in 2024.

  1. Register on Betaminic.com http://www.betaminic.com/?ref=TomW
  2. Buy Pro 1000 subscription €99
  3. Follow the 9 strategies https://bettingsystemsguide.com/betting-strategies/
  4. (Optional) Automate with Bf Bot Manager https://www.bfbotmanager.com/affiliate/364

Free Betaminc BFBM Bot Sets

2025 Low Drawdown Set of 9

Screenshot results 2025/3/2 to 2025/3/7

Starting Betting Bank Calculation Formula using the MDD:   Betting Bank = Max Drawdown x 2 x Stake

For level stakes, we can use the historical maximum drawdown (MDD) in one method of calculating our bank.

For example, in the low drawdown set above, the combined MDD was -22 since 2012.

In theory, this bank only went down -22 units during that time. If we use 100 EUr level stakes, then the minimum bank required would be 2,200 if history repeats itself. But even that does not need much space for error. So I would double that number and make that my starting bank.

So with a MDD of -22, I would plan for a 44 unit bank, or 4,400 EUR if we are betting 100 EUR per bet with level stakes. 100 EUR stakes aims for 800 EUR per month if the trend repeats itself and that could cover the subscription costs.

If you want to use a few strategies together at the beginning, you can use the aggregator tool in the Betamin Builder to find the maximum drawdown and historical average monthly profit.

As your bank increases, you can choose to either increase your stakes or add on strategies. Each time pay attention to the starting betting bank recommended for the new combination.

2024 Contend UD

Contend UD is a profit focussed strategy with a higher maximum drawdown than the strategies in the Low Drawdown set of 9. Even with a higher drawdown, it had a great 2024 and is still  going well in 2025.

Contend UD

2024 Low Drawdown Set of 9

Betaminc Strategies
I recommend the new 2025 set of low drawdown strategies, but if you want to choose the old 2024 set because it has been running since Jan 18th 2024, then you can follow this set.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Many users get confused with the word “strategy” since both Betaminic and the Bf Bot Manager use them. I often talk about Betaminic strategies and bot strategies. They are 2 very different things.

Betaminic strategies are betting systems created based on historical football data and bookmaker odds to find what betting patterns made profit in the past. It then allows you to pay to receive future picks from those Betaminic strategies as tips.

Bot strategies are the Bf Bot Manager strategies I attach which are betting bots that place bets according to the rules set by the user. They are not betting systems in themselves.

You can think of the Betaminic strategies as the instructions we feed into the bot strategies that are the programs that do the work of placing bets.