Automated Betting Bots Guide for Betfair Exchange and the BSG bot set

Automated Betting Bots Guide for Betfair Exchange and the BSG bot set

This video gives an overview of the recommended bot set from the free Betting Systems Guide PDF.


BSG Bot Set Results (October 17th – Nov 16th 2024)

+160% increase on bank


The BSG Bot Set consists of 1 Set of 14 Bots made from Two Research Methods for Four Betting Systems


Two Research Methods

  1. Betaminic backtesting (Football statistics and historical odds database. Backtest ideas with 12 years of data back to 2012.)

  2. Bf Bot Manager live testing (Create your own bots for the Betfair Exchange. Gather data yourself. No backtesting.)


Four Betting Systems

  1. BSG Draw System

  2. Betaminic Low Drawdown Strategies

  3. Betaminic Profit Focus Strategies

  4. Betaminic Lay strategies


Strategy details are in the FREE PDF guide on my site:


Useful Links:

My Betting Advice Site:

Betaminic betting strategies:

Reddit Betaminic Community:

Pro Betting Tools

Bf Bot Manager automated betting software:

The Staking Machine staking analysis software: